Dr. Desmond Anthony was a distinguished academic, researcher, consultant and community leader for the City of North Bay.

A leading international researcher in the field of parasitology (study of parasites), Dr. Anthony was the first person to obtain a PhD in the discipline from the University of Alberta in 1967. Desmond Anthony was one or the ‘original six’ members who came to North Bay to start Nipissing University College, then an affiliate of Laurentian University before the academic institution received its charter in 1992. Dr. Anthony and his signature white lab coat, retired in 1995 after gracing the halls of Nipissing University for 28 years. Today, he is remembered at the university with a memorial scholarship that bears his name and is presented to an upper year student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biology program.
Nipissing University is only a portion of Dr. Anthony’s contribution to the greater North Bay community. Dr. Anthony was very generous with his time. He chaired and belonged to several multi-disciplinary professional teams, civic and community organizations. He was a 21- year member of North Bay’s Planning Advisory Board, serving 18 years as chair or vice-chair. Dr. Anthony did extensive environmental and ecological consulting for numerous organizations in Canada and for governments in international countries including Guyana and Jamaica. Locally, he is remembered for his ground-breaking work with ‘swimmers itch’ in both Lake Nipissing and Trout Lake.
Because of his reputation as an expert in his field, Dr. Anthony had the opportunity to be an active participant on several highly-selective and highly regarded international delegations, including the International Medical and Scientific Tropical Medicine and Environment Delegation to the People’s Republic of China and the International Observer Delegation in Martinique, West Indies.
In summation, Dr. Anthony’s work has touched many lives and will continue to do so in the future.
Honoured by the Anthony family