Mr. Harvey Burrows – honoured by Mr. Jack Burrows

Harvey Burrows was my father. He and my mother Sadie had two children, my sister Beth (Sherman) and myself. He was born in North Bay in 1888 and moved to Pakenham with his family until he returned to North Bay when he was 14 years old.
My grandfather was involved in contracting here in North Bay and in the winter time he sent several of his sons with teams of horses to work in logging camps in the north. One of the camps was at Frederick House Lake near Timmins. My father often talked about the hardships they endured during those long winters.
When the family grew older, my grandfather set some of the boys up in businesses here in North Bay. In 1915, my father started up a food market at 878 Cassells Street. Eventually he added livestock feeds along with agricultural products, and became a distributor for Purity Flour Mills. He successfully ran the business until 1958 when he retired and I took it over.
In the 1940’s he sold horses to lumber camps and at one time had a dealership for Hupmobile cars.
My father was a great booster of the community. He was a charter member of the North Bay Lions Club and supported many charitable causes in the city.
He loved to curl and was a great sports fan.
I respected his judgement, his advice and his philosophy of living. I’ll always remember him saying “There’s always a place in business for an honest man”.
He was an honest man and he had many friends. I can recall many bits of advice he gave me that after some 45 years still hold true today.
He was a pioneer here in our city and along with others made our city the special place it is today. That is why on behalf of my family I am honouring my father with this memoriam.