Honoured by Barry Constant and family.
Thank you for honouring Ruglas Constant with a Leaf of Inspiration and for supporting your Community Waterfront Park project. Story to follow.
Saunders, Helen & Vernon #948 *
Honoured by Tim Saunders and Louise Sunstrum.
Both of our parents were products of the railway families. Mom, the daughter of Wilbert (Goldie) Peever who became the Superintendent of car services of the ONR, and Dad, the son of Frank (Sarah) Saunders a conductor on the CPR. It seems fitting that we honour them on the site of railway lines at the waterfront.
While Vern enlisted in the army during WWII, Helen worked in the offices of the ONR. They married in December 1946. Dad continued as a warrant officer at Chippewa Barracks until the 1960s. They had many a good night at Officers’ Mess festivities.
Mom took a few years off to raise Tim and Louise but she enjoyed working outside the home and soon started working for Imperial Oil on Birches Road. We often kidded her that we tested the first commercialized packaged food. They were part of the Fisher Street gang and built their first home themselves on Regina Street where we lived until moving to Pickering.
Both enjoyed local bowling leagues at the Empire and Four Seasons and got us kids involved in youth bowling leagues and Dad managed the Four Seasons Bowling Lanes.
They loved camping! We can remember packing up the tent and going to Algonquin Park. Later they later bought one of the first lots on Jocko Point and built a cottage – no electricity or plumbing — really roughing it. We would move out there at the end of each school year and they would commute to work each day and my brother and I would stay there swimming, boating and exploring the bush—a true northern experience.
They moved to Pickering in the late 1960’s for Dad’s job with the Ministry of Transportation and Mom at head office for Imperial Oil. They loved traveling to the Mediterranean and the Caribbean but eventually settled on Arizona as winter snowbirds.
Our parents instilled a sense of independence in their children. They didn’t interfere with our life choices but were there if we asked for help. That is a lesson we hope to emulate with our own children.
They both enjoyed Christmases and we still remember Christmas morning hilarity. You couldn’t get near the tree for the presents but it was always a humourous event. We all took the most enjoyment finding the perfect gag gift for everyone in the family. Needless to say laughter played a major part of our family’s dynamics. Another family favourite pastime was card playing, any variety, which taught us team playing, strategy and good sportsmanship, skills which carried us well through life and easy to learn when hidden in play.
Submitted by Tim Saunders and Louise Sunstrum
Watson, Bruce Barry #1471 *
Bruce (Whipper) Watson

Bruce was a Husband, Dad, Brother, Grandpa, and dearest friend. He and the other three “B’s” Bernie, Beverly, and Blayne, lived next door to the Simpsons / Robinsons and over the course of more than half a century became more than a Tower Drive neighbour.
We share our work and we share our play.
We share our happiness and we share our sorrow.
The saddest thing we share this day
We will not have Bruce to share tomorrow.
Memories ensure our recollection
We pick and choose from our life’s collection
Every day for us was family day
We held this thought in work and play
From cutting wood at Widdifield station
To fishing salmon on the west coast of our nation
Hunting moose in Boston Creek
Or down to Turtle Lake for a week
We would sit and talk about simple things
And never dwell on what tomorrow brings
Tomorrow came and Bruce is gone
But not from our hearts where he lives on.
Loyalty to his family and friends was extremely important to Bruce and we will remember Bruce as a true “giver“ of his time, his wealth of skills to help anyone in need, and his love of life.
Ontario Northland Ambassador for 37 years retired Health and Safety Officer.
Past master of the North Bay Masonic Lodge # 617 A.F. & A.M.
Member of the Rorab Shrine Club Klown Unit.
Volunteer at the Heritage Railway & Carousel.
Member of the North Bay Cruisers Car Club.
“It’s not what you take when you leave this world behind you, It’s what you leave behind you when you’re gone” – Randy Travis song………
“Never forget where you came from” – Bruce Watson
In honour of Bruce B. Watson our nearest and dearest friend forever; from Stan, Marlene, David, Lou-Anne, Mike, and Randy, the Simpson-Robinsons.
Murphy, Brooklyn Theresa #138 *
Honoured by the Murphy and Denbekker Families
In Loving Memory of
Brooklyn Theresa Murphy
May 18,2011
The Little one we longed for
was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.
And although our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
Every beating of our hearts
Says that we love you.
With Love,
Mom, Dad, and Wyatt Murphy
Honoured by the Murphy and Denbekker families.
Reynolds, Bryan #475
Honoured by the Reynolds Family.
Thank you for honouring Bryan with a Leaf of Inspiration and for supporting your Community Waterfront Park project. Story to follow.
Clark, Robert #155
Honoured by Scott Clark
Thank you for honouring Robert Clark with a Leaf of Inspiration and for supporting your Community Waterfront Park project. Story to follow.
Boyer, Alice & Vince #595
Thank you for supporting the Community Waterfront Park project.
Hobbs, John, Barbara & Family #1206
Thank you for honouring your Family with Leaf of Inspiration and for supporting your Community Waterfront Park project.
Lloyd, Jack & Betty #1048
Honoured by Jean Jamieson
Thank you for honouring Jack and Betty Lloyd with a Leaf of Inspiration and for supporting your Community Waterfront Park project. Story to follow.
North Bay Horticultural Society # 2012
Thank you for puchasing a Leaf of Inspiration honouring the North Bay Horticultural Society and for supporting your Community Waterfront Park. Story to follow.