Honoured by her family.

Sheila Carr
Our Mom, Sheila, was a teacher of family values in life, including love, honesty and hard work.
Her Father, J.L. Shaw, born in Scotland, became a local businessman in North Bay – owning Macdonald Beverages pop bottling and Distribution Company on property which has now become part of the beautiful waterfront. He achieved his dreams through hard work, commitment and volunteering. He was Mayor of North Bay in 1947.
Learning from her Father and Mother Edith Webber, Sheila, her sister Jackie and brother Gary, with their spouses, were also successful business developersand stock market entrepreneurs. Among the companies they founded were Pop Shoppes and GramaLees Bakery.
After meeting her husband, Gordon E. Carr, they started a company, Northland Glass and Metal, in North Bay.
They had four kids – Michael, Laural, Nancy and Robert. They have all grown to be equally hardworking respectable business owners and professionals.
Mom, if you look back at your accomplishments, you should be very proud. One lesson you told us a long time ago was that you get out of life what you put into it.
You have been the tree of our success, the roots of our support, the trunk of our strength, the branches of family and the leaves of individuality.
Love – your son – Rob.
Things my Mother taught me about life:
1. Moms love you unconditionally
2. A lot about cooking and love of different foods
3. It’s very important to get a good education
4. Keep up your appearance (unless you don’t want to)
5. Be confident, you are a smart person and can do anything you set your mind to
6. Be curious, you are never too old to learn something new, keep learning all your life
7. It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay young
8. She supports my decisions as long as they are mine
9. She respects my opinion
10. Work hard, do a good job, but take time to enjoy time for yourself
11. Nothing in life is black and white, just many shades of grey
12. Respect for others and their property, treat others as you would have them treat you
13. Try to be self-sufficient in everything you do
Happy Birthday Mom
April 18, 2011
Love Michael
April 2011
For my Mother, Sheila Carr
In honour of your zest for life, and in the year of a special birthday
Mom, you are a patent and understanding parent, grandparent and teacher, and I admire you for this.
You are open to travel adventure, on the road, on a boat, at a camp or a campground, or in some of the world’s most exotic locations and kitchens. And you return home to your favourite, the unspoiled, rugged beauty of the place of your birth, North Bay.
You are blessed with vitality and a healthy spirit that has equipped you to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace, faith and “positivity”.
You are a steadfast and supportive friend, and it shows in the friends of all ages that surround you. You embrace everyone equally and make all feel welcome with your warm hospitality.
I love the sense of style that you bring to your projects, lessons, parties, events, décor, cookbooks, menus and meals. Your passion, ease and comfort in the kitchen results in unrivaled delight for your family and friends.
Thank you for your sense of adventure.
Thank you for your “positivity”.
Thank you for your friendship.
Thank you for delighting us with yor style savvy.
And thank you for generously sharing these gifts with us all.
With love and gratitude, to my Mom, Sheila Carr, who taught me to always smell the roses along life’s path.
Laural Carr & Nancy Carr